
Hello and welcome.

My name is Julie, hypnotherapist. Trained first in theater, then in cinema, I’ve long had a fascination with the stories we tell ourselves, and above all, the power they have over us. Ericksonian hypnosis makes very skilled (sometimes surgical) use of these narratives, to bring someone to travel through their personal legend, and help it evolve. At the heart of my ever-evolving practice, my first passion (for dramaturgy) is walking hand in hand with my most recent one. A feeling of alignment and… magical reunion.

What a privilege to witness the movements taking place within a person in the process of meeting themselves. Seems like it’ll never cease to enchant me.

I had the chance to follow the training of the ARCHE (Academy of Research and Knowledge in Ericksonian Hypnosis) via Coaching Qc, a certification from France and Quebec.

Julie Rocque hypnose ericksonienne montreal

I like the integrative approach. The idea is not to reject those parts of ourselves that “cause problems”, but to enter into a relationship with them, and to include them in the process. This is done while respecting the pace and ecology of the person, who remains active: a creator of their hypnotic experience. I see parallels with partner dancing, another lifelong passion of mine. From the outside, one can imagine seeing two people confined to their respective roles (the one who guides and the one who is guided), while inside the relationship, there lives a conversation, a co-creation.

Some say we are made of the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves and the world. If the places yours take you (or keep you) don’t appeal to you, we can explore your world map together. I look forward to hearing your stories, telling you a few, and seeing you write a new one. You have the last word!

Tools ~ Training


My main practice. A versatile toolbox, involving an array of therapeutic imaginary scenarios and altered states of consciousness, allowing transformative inner encounters, facilitating access to unconscious parts that are much harder to reach from a regular state, and leading to change through self-discovery.

hypnose ericksonienne

Internal Family Systems

Internal Family Systems is a model that facilitates the process of befriending and unburdening various parts of one’s psyche as well as the harmonizing of a person’s system. Hypnosis works nicely with this approach, allowing an easier access to parts acting on a more subconscious level. Dr Tori Olds does a great job at explaining IFS in this VIDEO.

IFS Internal Family Systems

Clean language

An approach in which we accompany the person in a kind of waking dream, inviting them to enter their subconscious world, via its own symbolic language. We allow the emergence of the metaphorical landscape which inhabits them in the moment, trusting that it contains the answers and resources necessary for the resolution of the problem addressed.

Clean language

Limbic coaching

An approach by Sylvia Kurpanek (Palo Alto Institute) using techniques from various practices (NLP, EFT, IMO, bilateral stimulation, etc.). As its name suggests, this practice involves the limbic brain, the center of cause-effect links that systematically cause the same emotions and reactions to certain stimuli. It is a process of neutralization of the interpretation of these stimuli.

Coaching limbique


As part of ARCHE’s hypnosis training program, this course provides practitioners with the necessary notions to better understand and adapt themselves to various personality profiles and better detect certain behavior trends, as well as problems located outside the field of expertise of hypnosis. These can then be referred to a psychologist or another professional.

Neurosciences for support

As part of ARCHE’s hypnosis training program, this course informs practitioners about the functioning of the brain in general, and the neurological processes related to the techniques used in their practice. For more details on this training, see THIS VIDÉO.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

A cousin of hypnosis, NLP is a set of models and techniques of personal development giving access to the resources of a person, allowing them to go from a present state to a desired state. An approach oriented towards the how instead of the why. Richard Bandler, one of its creators, defines it as follows: “It is the study of the structure of subjective experience”.


Nonviolent Communication

NVC is a very powerful tool for communication and for connecting with oneself and others; useful to everyone, and certainly to anyone in a counseling position, where empathic listening, caring intention and expression are in order. Amongst Mr. Rosenberg’s inheritors, Issâ Padovani is a particularly inspiring figure for me.

Communication non-violente
Limbic coaching hypnose ericksonienne montreal
Clean Language hypnose ericksonienne montreal
IFS Internal Family Systems

I let Rilke describe 

    my… not so secret


All those who seek you test you,
and those who find you bind you to image and gesture.
I want to understand you as the earth understands you;
In my ripening ripens your kingdom.
I do not claim any vanity that demonstrates to you.
Time, I know, does not bear your name.
Perform no miracle on my account.
Give reason to your laws which
from generation to generation
become more visible.

I let Rilke describe 

    my… not so secret


All those who seek you test you,
and those who find you bind you to image and gesture.
I want to understand you as the earth understands you;
In my ripening ripens your kingdom.
I do not claim any vanity that demonstrates to you.
Time, I know, does not bear your name.
Perform no miracle on my account.
Give reason to your laws which
from generation to generation
become more visible.


I discovered hypnosis with Julie when I was rather reluctant because of the myths, which surround stage hypnosis. I feared living out some waking nightmares, losing control of my actions, or discovering terrifying parts of me. Well, not at all! Hypnotherapy allowed me to better understand how to be in tune with my parts and to realize that I was in touch with my subconscious much more often than I thought. It allows me to be proactive and creative about my experience. I appreciate Julie's flexible and diverse approach. She combines several complementary techniques, allowing her to compose a session adapted to the needs of the moment and to navigate with dexterity amongst all that emerges. I would like to underline the high quality of listening that Julie demonstrates.

Katy Collet

I trusted Julie to prepare me for the greatest moment of my life: the birth of my daughter. She was very attentive and insightful in identifying my fears and expectations. She introduced me to a variety of self hypnosis approaches for managing pain and anxiety and directed me to the ones that worked best for me. Her clear images, her wise words and her generous encouragement gently guided me to tame them. I went to the delivery room fully equipped and put into practice my learning, which greatly helped me to live the moment more serenely.

Ariane Ménard

Hypnosis with Julie is quite an experience. She accompanied and helped me through a self-questioning process and periods of insomnia/anxiety. What I like about her practice is that she adapts a lot to me, my personality and my sensitivities, which leads me to quickly dive into the world of hypnosis. I recommend her without a doubt, whether for an accompaniment or for a discovery. Thank you Julie for all your words, your sweetness, your sensitivity and your listening. Looking forward to reliving the experience.

Lucie Clenet

Julie's presence, sensitivity and ability to listen allowed me to open up and dive with
confidence inside myself. She supported me in deconstructing various barriers and in expanding my inner resources. Thanks to her caring curiosity and her authenticity, I was able to cultivate more compassion towards myself.

Natacha Carrier

Julie masters several approaches related to hypnosis, and knows how to handle them well. She is very caring and knows how to explore the inner universe of the person who comes to see her. It obviously helped me to progress. I definitely recommend her!



I discovered hypnosis with Julie when I was rather reluctant because of the myths, which surround stage hypnosis. I feared living out some waking nightmares, losing control of my actions, or discovering terrifying parts of me. Well, not at all! Hypnotherapy allowed me to better understand how to be in tune with my parts and to realize that I was in touch with my subconscious much more often than I thought. It allows me to be proactive and creative about my experience. I appreciate Julie's flexible and diverse approach. She combines several complementary techniques, allowing her to compose a session adapted to the needs of the moment and to navigate with dexterity amongst all that emerges. I would like to underline the high quality of listening that Julie demonstrates.

Katy Collet

I trusted Julie to prepare me for the greatest moment of my life: the birth of my daughter. She was very attentive and insightful in identifying my fears and expectations. She introduced me to a variety of self hypnosis approaches for managing pain and anxiety and directed me to the ones that worked best for me. Her clear images, her wise words and her generous encouragement gently guided me to tame them. I went to the delivery room fully equipped and put into practice my learning, which greatly helped me to live the moment more serenely.

Ariane Ménard

Hypnosis with Julie is quite an experience. She accompanied and helped me through a self-questioning process and periods of insomnia/anxiety. What I like about her practice is that she adapts a lot to me, my personality and my sensitivities, which leads me to quickly dive into the world of hypnosis. I recommend her without a doubt, whether for an accompaniment or for a discovery. Thank you Julie for all your words, your sweetness, your sensitivity and your listening. Looking forward to reliving the experience.

Lucie Clenet

Julie's presence, sensitivity and ability to listen allowed me to open up and dive with
confidence inside myself. She supported me in deconstructing various barriers and in expanding my inner resources. Thanks to her caring curiosity and her authenticity, I was able to cultivate more compassion towards myself.

Natacha Carrier

Julie masters several approaches related to hypnosis, and knows how to handle them well. She is very caring and knows how to explore the inner universe of the person who comes to see her. It obviously helped me to progress. I definitely recommend her!


J'ai découvert l'hypnose avec Julie alors que j'étais plutôt réticente de par l'imaginaire qui entoure l'hypnose de spectacle. Je craignais de vivre mes cauchemars éveillés, perdre le contrôle de mes actes ou encore découvrir des parties de moi terrifiantes. Bref, rien à voir! L'hypnothérapie m'a permise de mieux comprendre comment être à l'écoute de mes parties et de réaliser que j'étais en contact avec mon inconscient bien plus souvent que je ne le pensais. Ça me permet d'être proactive et créative face à mon vécu. J'apprécie l'approche de Julie, flexible et diversifiée. Elle combine plusieurs techniques complémentaires, lui permettant de composer une séance adaptée aux besoins du moment et de naviguer avec dextérité au fur et à mesure de ce qui émerge. Je tiens à souligner l'écoute de grande qualité dont fait preuve Julie.

Katy Collet

L'hypnose avec Julie, c'est toute une expérience. Elle m'a accompagnée et m'a aidée à traverser des questionnements personnels et des périodes d'insomnie/anxiété. Ce que j'aime dans sa pratique, c'est qu’elle s'adapte beaucoup à moi, à ma personnalité et à mes sensibilités, ce qui fait que je plonge rapidement dans l'univers de l'hypnose. Je la recommande sans aucun doute, que ce soit pour un accompagnement comme pour une découverte. Merci Julie pour tous tes mots, ta douceur, ta sensibilité et ton écoute. Bien hâte de revivre l'expérience.

Lucie Clenet

La présence, la sensibilité et l'écoute de Julie m'ont permis de m'ouvrir et de plonger avec
confiance à l'intérieur de moi. Elle m'a soutenue dans la déconstruction de diverses barrières et dans l'expansion de mes ressources intérieures. Grâce à sa curiosité bienveillante et à son authenticité, j'ai pu cultiver davantage de compassion envers moi-même.

Natacha Carrier

Julie maîtrise plusieurs approches reliées à l'hypnose, et sait bien les manier. Elle est d'une grande bienveillance et sait explorer l'univers intérieur de la personne qui vient la voir. Elle m'a, de toute évidence, aidé à progresser. Je la recommande expressément!
